Monday, June 24, 2013

Thoughts On 'Dark Girls' After Last Night's Broadcast Premiere...? | Shadow and Act

Thoughts On 'Dark Girls' After Last Night's Broadcast Premiere...? | Shadow and Act

 "Dark Girls" was raw and real! It dug deeply in to the ugly wound of skin color prejudice that's prevalent  in the WORLD. This prevalence is directly tied to the enslavement/colonization of Africans and other people of color in the world by European & Whites. They are the Genesis of the White is Right & Supreme ideology which is fanned out across the universe.  Even as I write this, They, the white establishment-corporate capitalist, pigs, bombard nations of color with skin bleaching creams of all sorts, sending the the message that something is not quite right with their darker skin. Sadly people of color are buying the lie, at all cost! The white message is and always has been that people of color and, in particular, people of African descent are not quite good enough with their odd, sinister, dark skin. The documentary shows the human causalities/fallout of this war on skin color and it's detrimental emotional, and spiritual effects. It one thing to be black (light skin, light brown skin) but to be a dark skinned black person is to be Black and Ugly and worthless and less than and nonhuman! The black community continues this hatred while many people in the white community stand on the sidelines, with up turned noses, slanted lips, and tightened eyes, acting as if they don't have a clue!

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