Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Carol’s Daughter Inks Major Promo Deal With Cassie, Solange and Selita Ebanks « Clutch Magazine#comments#comments#comments#comments

Carol’s Daughter Inks Major Promo Deal With Cassie, Solange and Selita Ebanks « Clutch Magazine#comments#comments#comments#comments

Why do blacks in business often seek to never deivate from the norm-employing the same practices as the mainstream (whites) when they are in positions of power? In terms of the marketing of their products and the use of the inclusion/exclusion model, African-Americans generally ascribe to the America way of doing and being.

In essence, African-American people are excluded from marketing campagins, especially those with darker skin. On the other hand, white people are the total focus and are totally included in the American way of doing and being.

The Whiter,
The Lighter,
The Better.

This is the American way-tradition.
This is America's history-speaking!

Carol's Daughter owner Lisa Price promotes the idea that her products are for all African-Americans, yet she bows to the same notion as mainstream America by never using dark-skinned spokes models. Recently she unveiled her new crew of representatives: Solonge Knowles, Selita Eubanks and Cassie. Yeah! they have different hair textures, but that is where the diveserity ends; outside of the fact that they are different humans. I am still looking for more diversity! What's that about??? Realizing the lack of shades in her marketing campagins a few years back, I put the brakes on as far as my support is concerned. I must say that I expect more from an African-American woman. I expect to see the rainbow of African-American women represented. I have the right to do so when I am spending my money and spreading the word about a product. Honestly, I am dark, and I tell friends and associates dark/light about Carol's Daughter. Most of them had no clue, before me, and I had been using Carol's Daughter for two years + prior to my informing them.


Is it that light-skinned blacks think the darker ones are stupid and can 't see what they are doing? Do they like to assume that we do not exist? Do they think that we, too, are represented by the light-skinned blacks they keep throwing in our faces? Do they think we are going to buy anyway because we don't have any other choices?

What do they think?

Perhaps it is the idea that Tom Burrell discusses in his book.

Maybe they are just! Brainwashed!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Senate panel approves bill for teacher pay cuts, furloughs, layoffs | Texas Legislature News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Senate panel approves bill for teacher pay cuts, furloughs, layoffs Texas Legislature News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News Essentially Texas is saying "F... You to its teachers!" Maybe it is time for the teachers to echo the same sentiment! Teachers are already underpaid and overworked. How much lower can the pay and benefits get? It will be interesting to hear what the teachers' unions have to say about this new legislation.